Feb 27
Bids in
12 days

EC County Jail Booking Remodel

In general, the project consists of renovation of the existing booking department within the Eau Claire County jail. Demolition of existing spaces, new walls and floors and finishes. Fire Protection, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Communications, and Security to be included.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 1/27/25 10:00am
Bid Date 2/27/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Market & Johnson - Eau Claire
Kevin Dallas  


710 2nd Avenue, Eau Claire WI 54703.

Submit all bids to bidding@market-johnson.com or fax to 715-834-2331.

G.C. Notes:

  • In general, the project consists of renovation of the existing booking department within the Eau Claire County jail.  Demolition of existing spaces, new walls and floors and finishes.  Fire Protection, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Communications, and Security to be included.

  • The Owner is considered a tax-exempt entity, therefore WI. Stat. 77.54(9m) will be utilized on this project.

  • A pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:00am on January 27, 2025 in the County Board Room 1277.

  • To access bid documents, select the orange "Click Here To View the Project" that is at the top of the email.

  • The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities in any bid and to accept any bid which the Owner may determine to be in its best interest.

  • No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after opening of the proposals without consent of the Owner.

  • By submitting a bid, the contractor is committing all necessary resources to meet milestone dates and achieve substantial completion of construction as stated in the contract documents at the bid price quoted regardless of weather conditions.  Bidders are also accepting the terms of Market & Johnson’s standard contract, including insurance and indemnification requirements and payment terms. A copy of said contract can be obtained for review by contacting Market & Johnson. You may not attach your quote, any clarifications or exclusions to the contract.

It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to review the “Addenda” tab during the bidding process for new postings!

The Owner, Architect, General Contractor, Printer, or PlanRoom will not be responsible for bids or sub-bids based on single drawings, specification sheets or observation or use of partial sets of documents. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to review & understand all project requirements prior to submitting a bid!

Planroom Help? eMail support@blueprintfdl.com or call 920-922-3592.